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Break Quotes

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Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair  (Break Quotes) I'm a lightweight, easy to fall, easy to break  (Break Quotes) Everything you say to me takes me one step closer to the edge, and i'm about to break  (Break Quotes) I'm a lightweight easy to fall easy to break with every move my whole world shakes keep me from falling apart  (Break Quotes) Dear stress, let's break up  (Break Quotes) I wish you told me from the start that you were gonna break my heart  (Break Quotes) We are like glass. We break and eventually we shatter  (Break Quotes) Miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature  (Break Quotes) Nobody can break me, because I know who stands beside me, and that is God  (Break Quotes) You're a diamond, dear. They can't break you  (Break Quotes) Things happen or break for a reason. Don't go back there. Keep living forward  (Break Quotes) Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down  (Break Quotes) Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist  (Break Quotes) Break in case of fabulous  (Break Quotes) I'd rather break my arms that take two trips  (Break Quotes) Three things you should never break: Promises, trust, and someone's heart  (Break Quotes) Maybe we should kiss just to break the tension  (Break Quotes) I need a break from the loneliness that is totally consuming me  (Break Quotes) She's my best friend. Break her and I'll break your face  (Break Quotes) I wondered what would break first, your spirit or your body  (Break Quotes) So many things I wish you knew, so many walls I can't break through  (Break Quotes) You're too young to let the world break you  (Break Quotes) I need a long break from life  (Break Quotes) Sometimes a mom just needs a 5 minute break  (Break Quotes) Boys will break your heart. Men will pick up the pieces  (Break Quotes) You call me up again just to break me like a promise  (Break Quotes) I can't wait to write a song about how we break up  (Break Quotes) I am woman, I bend I don't break  (Break Quotes) I don't drink these days. I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs  (Break Quotes) Invisible text message break up  (Break Quotes)
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